Global Education

The goal of global development education is to take responsibility for creating a world in which all people can live a dignified life. It is a lifelong learning process contributing to understanding the differences, similarities, and connections between people’s lives in developing and developed countries, that facilitates understanding of the economic, social, political, environmental, and cultural processes that affect them.

Caritas Czech Republic, in cooperation with Caritas Internationalis and the Czech Forum for Development Cooperation (FoRS), participates in global development education with projects focused on educational institutions and the public. We try to form such attitudes when people are willing to actively participate in solving local and global issues. Through campaigns and various activities, we bring closer the relationship between sustainable development and migration, we call on the public to be open-minded and critical thinking. We organize panel discussions with experts on the topic of migration and development, as well as exhibitions, competitions, so-called living libraries, and other events, where we try to make civil society aware of this complex but current topic.

You can learn about the projects concerning global education on our website focusing on foreign aid.

Basic principles of global education

  • Global responsibility – the responsibility for ourselves and the world we live in
  • Participation – taking part in solving problems and conflicts
  • Partnership – cooperation and equal partnership among state and non-state parties
  • Solidarity – solidarity with people living in difficult conditions and willingness to help them
  • Connection – perceive the current world as a whole and looking for connections between local, regional and global affairs
  • Openness and Critical thinking – open and critical access to information and opinions, the ability to make a moral judgment and informed decisions
  • Social justice – actively promoting the respect for human rights and equal opportunities for all
  • Sustainable development – adapting the lifestyle to the need to preserve and improve the quality of the environment for future generations